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New Questions in 2020

OSCS News 28-Jan-20 | By Nikki

Our business has been in my family since 1969. Together, we have grown a company by doing one thing very well, solving our customer’s problems. For the first 50 years of trading, these questions were purely practical or money-saving, eg:



What is the best way to clean my warehouse floor?

Help, I can’t get red wine off of this carpet.

What is the best vacuum for picking up dog hairs?

What are the differences between the different Henrys?

How can I clean quicker?





In the last year or so, the questions have begun to change. The problems relayed to us now don’t relate to the person or business but rather to where we all live, planet Earth:



How can I reduce single-use plastics?

Are sacks recyclable?

Can a lower wattage vacuum clean properly?

Which eco accredited chemicals work the best?






Our aim in 2020 is to drag the commercial cleaning world kicking & screaming into a new way of thinking about the way they clean & its impact on the planet.

Please help me in this quest by posting comments & asking questions. In that way, we can get the best advice out there & put more pressure on the manufacturers to produce products with the environment in mind.

Please send questions through LinkedIn or by using our contact us page:

We are continually updating our range of Eco-Friendly products

Our blog contains questions we have been asked & is an ever-increasing resource.