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Tersano SAO Dispenser

  • Use 90% Less Water
  • Reduce Plastic Packaging By 83%
  • Reduce Chemical Use By 70%
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£ 1,362.18 (Excl VAT) £ 1,634.62 (incl VAT)

Tersano SAO Dispenser

It’s time to face the dirty truth about your workspace…
Office phones host around 25,000 germs per square inch. Office desks are more than 400 times dirtier than toilet seats. The area on your desk where your hands rest has around 10,000 bacteria. Professional spaces may enjoy regular vacuuming, but their hard surfaces suffer from both high use and cleaning neglect. Fortunately, that’s all in the past.

The SAO Dispenser is a simple and sustainable way to clean, sanitize and deodorize everyday surfaces. Our wall-mounted device produces ‘Stabilized Aqueous Ozone’ (SAO) on-demand using only cold tap water and oxygen from the air around it.

Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO) works by attacking organic matter, breaking it down into smaller particles and suspending it in solution. This reaction is called oxidation – and it’s what makes SAO so powerful. In fact, SAO exceeds Green Seal Standards (GS-37 and GS-53) as an industrial cleaner.

SAO technology is patent-protected and revolutionary. It creates an all-in-one solution, approved for sanitizing for up to 24 hours and cleaning for six days.

Did we mention it’s incredibly safe? On-site generation eliminates transport, storing and mixing. And when the job is done, it reverts back to water and oxygen with zero impact on our planet and waterways.

Professionals enjoy the amazing performance while saving on traditional harsh chemicals. The SAO Dispenser is compact and fits easily into all janitor’s closets.

Tersano SAO


Tersano Infographic

Dimensions: 57cm x 47cm x 25cm (22.5” x 18.5” x 10”)

Weight: 14.5 kg (32 lbs)

Rate: up to 14 litres/min (3.5 gallons/min)